• Biodegradable Compostable Wooden Big Spoon

Biodegradable Compostable Wooden Big Spoon

₹ 121

  • Green rating (From 5 ratings)

Disposable tablewares are part of our homes, offices, street joints, picnics and many more. Being cheap, plastics are hugely used in these disposable tableware. We just utilize it without thinking of what happens with it and how it impacts environment. Plastic takes 100s of years to degrade and decompose. Till the time it remains in environment it affects land, water and air badly. It creates a danger for marine life, animals and humans. The biggest challenge which municipalities and modern urbanization faces is disposing such fast accumulating plastics.

We have found a solution to this problem. Bringing here wooden bigger spoon. These will get biodegraded in the soil and no harm to land.

Size is mentioned in the product heading.

Set contains 25 pieces of the shown product.

ESVs (Environmental Saving Values)

  • Tree Saver : No. of Trees

  • CO2 Saver : Kg

  • Land Pollution Saver : Sq Mtrs

  • Water Pollution Saver : KL

  • Water Saver : KL

  • Air Pollution Saver : Kg

ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

Parameter Saving till last order This product if selected Total Savings
Tree Saver
CO2 Saver
LPS Saver
WPS Saver
WS Saver
APS Saver