ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

This is an innovative term given to the world by Recycle.Green.

We perform an in-depth research on each of the items sold on our website. At the end of our research we arrive at ESV environmental saving values for each one of them.

We chose top 5 environmental parameters through which are affecting the most part of the world. We do not say that these are the only 5 parameters to measure environment impact, however at Recycle.Green we chose these 5 to keep focus and cater most of the environmental issues.

Tree Saver - measured in number of trees

CO2 Saver - measured in Kg of CO2

Land pollution saver - measured in Sq Mtr of Land

Water pollution saver - measured in Kilo Litres of Water

Air pollution saver - measured in Kg of Air

Whenever you select any product you can see a table at the bottom of the product description. This contains values of ESV for that product.

 ESV at product page

These ESVs are credited to your account when you purchase them and at that point in time all accumulated ESV values become your credit. This accumulated values we call ESVC (Environmental Saving Value Credit). These value remains in your account life time and you can always see them when your login to your account @Recycle.Green.

We help you look at your ESVC during your product selection like below. This will bring your savings till date + what it will add to your ESVC after completing this purchase.

ESVC at product page

In case you choose multiple products for purchase, you can find cumulative ESVC for those values as per below. This is visible at the right side of the cart items.

 ESVC at cart



Whenever you login to your account, you can find all cumulative ESVCs at the bottom right side of the page – see sample below.

 ESVC at account page


Rewards to ESVCs *

We have reward scheme against these ESVCs.

Currently following are the milestone values and reward you are eligible for. You will earn these rewards on each new milestone.

Example: You achieved your 1st milestone of 1 tree saver you get Rs.1000 cash back on next purchase. Now you achieve 2nd milestone of 2nd tree saver you get Rs.1000 cash back new. And so on.




Milestone Values



Tree Saver

Nos of Trees


10000 points (worth INR 1000 discount)


CO2 Saver

Kg of CO2


1000 points (worth INR 100 discount)


Land Pollution Saver

Sq Mtrs of Land


1000 points (worth INR 100 discount)


Water Pollution Saver + Water Saver

Kilo Litres of water


1000 points (worth INR 100 discount)


Air Pollution Saver

Kg of Air


1000 points (worth INR 100 discount)


  • Conditions Apply. We can change, withdraw, remove rewards program at any time without prior notice to customers.


CERTIFICATES of milestone achievement on ESVC.

We will provide you a system generated certificate for your milestone achievement.

This certificate will be sent to you on your registered email ID as a PDF attachment. You can take a print out of the same and show it to all and take proud in becoming planet protector.

The certificate will contain all accumulated ESVC also.

Everytime you reach milestone, system will generate a new certificate with fresh ESVCs shown.

You can also download your certificate from your account login.

Please note that you will only find the latest certificate sent recently. It will replace all earlier certificates with latest one only.

The certificate will have the date of milestone achievement.