Waste TetraPak Recycled PolyAl Partition Sheet Flat - 8ft x 4ft 4mm

₹ 2,709

  • Green rating (From 5 ratings)

This item is made out of 70% recycled polyethylene and 30% recycled aluminium foil.
Available in 8ft x 4 ft sizes with aluminium coating on the top surface and a funky cool testure from inside.
Excellent options for indoors like commercial panel partitions, ceilings, moulded parts, protection of machines, cabinets, drawers, boat floors etc.
International quality standards and great performance in desired applications.
Suitable for market needs of civil, construction, industrial packaging, furniture, auto part, farming etc.
Aluminimum layer reflects sunlight, keeps cool and pleasant below the sheet during high temperatures.
During cold it acts as an insulation providing thermal comfort inside.
Suitable for all season weather conditions.
Fire Resistant
Non Breakable
Non Toxic
Termite Proof
Resistance to High Temperature
UV Protection
Non Corrosive
Long Lasting

ESVs (Environmental Saving Values)

  • Tree Saver : No. of Trees

  • CO2 Saver : Kg

  • Land Pollution Saver : Sq Mtrs

  • Water Pollution Saver : KL

  • Water Saver : KL

  • Air Pollution Saver : Kg

ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

Parameter Saving till last order This product if selected Total Savings
Tree Saver
CO2 Saver
LPS Saver
WPS Saver
WS Saver
APS Saver