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Frequently Asked Questions
What does these value mean?
We call them ESV - Environmental Saving Value. These values are scientifically derived values by our product research analysts. Each environmental parameter have one value. This means that if you buy this product you save that much value of environment directly or indirectly as per Recycle.Green's research.
How do we calculate these value?
We have our team of product research analysts. These are professionals with qualification of BE/Btech/MSc with Environmental Engineering. Each product is evaluated, researched and documented as per available knowledge & information in the world today. We keep these documentation with us and as per that documentation only we upload ESV values to each product.
What is the meaning of "Tree Saver" value?
This parameter represents environmental impact on trees. Whenever our product research analysts find saving of trees then there will be a positive value mentioned more than 0. Else this will remain 0. That means there is no impact on trees when you buy this product.
What is the meaning of "CO2 Saver" value?
This ESV (Environmental Saving Value) represents environmental impact due to CO2 emission. Whenever our product research analysts find saving of CO2 emission then there will be a positive value mentioned more than 0. If there is no positive impact due to CO2 emission, ESV will be 0. Whenever ESV value is more than 0, if you buy this product, it will save CO2 emission to environment.
What is the meaning of "Land Pollution Saver(LPS)" value?
This ESV (Environmental Saving Value) represents environmental impact due to land pollution. Whenever our product research analysts find saving of land pollution then there will be a positive value mentioned more than 0. If there is no positive impact due to land pollution, ESV will be 0. Whenever ESV value is more than 0, if you buy this product, it will save land pollution to environment.
What is the meaning of "Water Polution / Water Saver(WPS)" value?
This ESV (Environmental Saving Value) represents environmental impact due to water pollution OR water itself. Whenever our product research analysts find saving of water or water pollution then there will be a positive value mentioned more than 0 to that ESV. If there is no positive impact due to water pollution or water saving, ESV will be 0. Whenever ESV value is more than 0, if you buy this product, it will save water or water pollution to environment.
What is the meaning of "Air Polution Saver(APS)" value?
This ESV (Environmental Saving Value) represents environmental impact due to pollutants emitted in air.. Whenever our product research analysts find saving of air pollution, then there will be a positive value mentioned more than 0. If there is no positive impact due to air pollution, ESV will be 0. Whenever ESV value is more than 0, if you buy this product, it will save air pollution to environment.
How do we rate our products?
It is very simple. We have chosen 5 parameters which mostly affect environment in current scenario. Deforestation (Cutting of trees), CO2 emission, Land Pollution, Air Pollution, Water Pollution. During our research we analyse each product with resect to positive or negative impact on all of these 5 parameters. Any product which impacts positively to at lest 1 parameter - that we rate Grass Green. If it impacts positively to 2 parameters - we rate it Plant Green. If it impacts positively to 3 parameters, we rate it Tree Green. If it impacts positively to 4 parameters, we rate it Garden Green. If it impacts positively to more than 4 parameters (5 and above) we rate it Jungle Green.
What is "Grass Green" rating?
Grass Green is a rating given to any product on Recycle.Green by our product research analysts. This means that product saves at least one of the environmental parameters out of 5 major parameters - Tree Saver, CO2 Saver, Land Pollution Saver, Water Pollution Saver, Air Pollution Saver. You will find an icon attached to the image of that product as per above to identify easily.
What is "Plant Green" rating?
Plant Green is a rating given to any product on Recycle.Green by our product research analysts. This means that product saves at least 2 of the environmental parameters out of 5 major parameters - Tree Saver, CO2 Saver, Land Pollution Saver, Water Pollution Saver, Air Pollution Saver. You will find an icon attached to the image of that product as per separate identify easily.
What is "Tree Green" rating?
Tree Green is a rating given to any product on Recycle.Green by our product research analysts. This means that product saves at least 3 of the environmental parameters out of 5 major parameters - Tree Saver, CO2 Saver, Land Pollution Saver, Water Pollution Saver, Air Pollution Saver. You will find an icon attached to the image of that product to identify easily.
What is "Garden Green" rating?
Garden Green is a rating given to any product on Recycle.Green by our product research analysts. This means that product saves at least 4 of the environmental parameters out of 5 major parameters - Tree Saver, CO2 Saver, Land Pollution Saver, Water Pollution Saver, Air Pollution Saver. You will find an icon attached to the image of that product to identify easily.
What is "Jungle Green" rating?
ungle Green is a rating given to any product on Recycle.Green by our product research analysts. This means that product saves more than 4 of the environmental parameters out of all major parameters - Tree Saver, CO2 Saver, Land Pollution Saver, Water Pollution Saver, Air Pollution Saver. You will find an icon attached to the image of that product to identify easily.