• Plantable Rakhis - 100% organic cotton khadi hand spun threads natural coloured no chemical -Turai seed yellow & red base, knitted red belt

Plantable Rakhis - 100% organic cotton khadi hand spun threads natural coloured no chemical -Turai seed yellow & red base, knitted red belt

₹ 80

  • Green rating (From 5 ratings)

This rakhi thread is made from non GMO 100% organic cotton. No chemical touched while growing. Cotton to thread spinning was done by rural women on Khadi charkha. Natural colours were used in dyeing of threads. Making of rakhis were done by rural women of Rajasthan.

Single rakhi saves more than 300 litres of water from pollution.

A message of environmental saving plus social empowerment of underprevileged.

Seed of Turai Plant. Ensure after Rakshabandhan you grow a tree & keep your relation memorable with a tree. Memorize this Rakshabandhan every year by just looking at that grown tree.

ESVs (Environmental Saving Values)

  • Tree Saver : No. of Trees

  • CO2 Saver : Kg

  • Land Pollution Saver : Sq Mtrs

  • Water Pollution Saver : KL

  • Water Saver : KL

  • Air Pollution Saver : Kg

ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

Parameter Saving till last order This product if selected Total Savings
Tree Saver
CO2 Saver
LPS Saver
WPS Saver
WS Saver
APS Saver