SOT BIG | Green Jute Cover | Brown Recycled paper | Colour branding on pages | MOQ 100

₹ 212.40

  • Green rating (From 5 ratings)

SOT - Save Our Trees

BIG - Brown Is Greener

A Beautiful Diary Made From Brown Paper. With Green Jute cover to hard bound paper.

Customized Branding on 4 pages. Front Single Colour Screen+ 2nd, 3rd and 4th with Beautiful story of unbleached paper benefits shown with ESV.

Size -A5 , 14.8 Cms x 21 Cms

Size - B5, 17 Cms x 24 Cms

Book binding - full book binding.

Pages are made out of unbleached recycled paper. Bleaching pollutes water. Unbleached paper saves water pollution.

Paper : 95 GSM unbleached brown

Pages - 100/200 usable check the rates.

Inside pages multicolour branding with logo and watermark.

  A guaranteed recycled product.

Enjoy Zero Waste Commerce experience. We take back our products after use* for recycling and you get attractive cashback.

*T&C Apply 

ESVs (Environmental Saving Values)

  • Tree Saver : No. of Trees

  • CO2 Saver : Kg

  • Land Pollution Saver : Sq Mtrs

  • Water Pollution Saver : KL

  • Water Saver : KL

  • Air Pollution Saver : Kg

ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

Parameter Saving till last order This product if selected Total Savings
Tree Saver
CO2 Saver
LPS Saver
WPS Saver
WS Saver
APS Saver