• Sustainable Recycled Coconut Coir Pot 4" with Tulsi Sapling

Sustainable Recycled Coconut Coir Pot 4" with Tulsi Sapling

₹ 150

  • Green rating (From 5 ratings)

Sustainable Recycled Coconut Coir Pot with Tulsi sapling

Recycled Coconut Coir Pots, Made from Waste coconut fiber.

With Tulsi sapling, soil and fertilizer. To deliver it as a gift in hand.


ESVs (Environmental Saving Values)

  • Tree Saver : No. of Trees

  • CO2 Saver : Kg

  • Land Pollution Saver : Sq Mtrs

  • Water Pollution Saver : KL

  • Water Saver : KL

  • Air Pollution Saver : Kg

ESVC (Environmental Savings Value Credit)

Parameter Saving till last order This product if selected Total Savings
Tree Saver
CO2 Saver
LPS Saver
WPS Saver
WS Saver
APS Saver